Enhancing cognitive performance: The role of hydration and electrolyte balance
Cognitive performance is multifaceted, involving memory, attention, processing speed, problem-solving, and decision-making. These functions rely on healthy brain tissues and hydration. Lifestyle f...

Why is salt so essential for humans?
Sodium Chloride is vital to both human performance and survival. Sodium plays an important role in regulating body fluids and normal nerve and muscle function. Having evolved with sodium, the human...

Why do we crave salt? An evolutionary perspective.
Humans have evolved to thrive with salt, developing specific mechanisms to maintain electrolyte levels in their correct levels needed for optimal function. Seeing where we have evolved, it is no su...

How to kick coffee side effects for good with salt and hydration.
Sodium loss caused by coffee can be linked to many side effects such as light headedness, headaches, brain fog and fatigue. If you're one of the millions of people on this planet experiencing side ...

The history of humans and salt why it is so important
What importance do electrolytes have in the greater picture of hydration and human function, and how can we utilise ancestral wisdom and modern research to optimise brain health, physical health, c...

What are cramps and how you can prevent and cure them.
A cramp is a painful, sudden muscle contraction that can last for several seconds to many minutes. The lasting after effects of a cramp can last for days! When it comes to reducing cramps, adequate...